by Typostudios




Rant 4: The Stories of the Weekend  4/1
Lysander is My New Bill Gates
This weekend turned out to be Lysander's love bitch.

He released "The Line Narrows", the 'sequel' to "A Blurred Line."

Oh fuck, this is a good game. Oh fuck...

Talan is my new best friend. His new robot is my new bitch.

And I'm going to sell his car. It drives too fast for its own good.

Even though I'm a member of Saudi, and should show appreciation for my company's games, and I do (I love the ResEvil game), but Lysander's masterpiece kicked us all in the balls and showed us what he and his mind could do.

The game even game me the cyberpunk feeling... For a RM2K game, that is sometimes a little too fucking hard for its own good...

Another Subject, Por Favor...

Rancid keeps on kicking other people's games, calling them "Stupid" and telling them their game "sucks".


Fuck you, you cocksmacker.

Dark Angel kinda sucked.  That's why it's not on television anymore.  Sure, the girl is hot, but... um.... NEXT!

And it's ringing in my head.

Rancid has a new archnemesis, and his name is Typo.  Fuckers beware!

Do You Like Me?

What is it with these posts asking, "Am I cool?" or "Rate me."  Fuck you.  You have such low-confidence on yourself that it scares me.  "Rate BobCFed"!  No, you don't rate BobCFed, you fuck.  You leave him alone, and ask yourself this, "Am I comfortable with myself, do I like myself?" Jerkface.

The Console Debate

Hmm... What should you buy? The Microsoft X-Box, the Sony PlayStation 2, or the Sega Dreamcast? 

Let me sum up some things for you.  The X-Box will probably be dominate due to Mr. Gates' master plan.  He's got Namco, Dream Factory, Konami, EA, Capcom, and other companies to work for him.  And since EA is working with XBox, there's a good chance Square will hop on the X-Box Ho Train.  The PS2 came out dead.  There some good games for it, but Sony did a 'stupid' and released the PS2 sans modem or harddrive.  That's a good one, Sony.  Microsoft just hired a certain ex-Sony marketing guy who marketed the PS1 in Japan... Can we say "Uh... no.... I can't be.... Damn..."?  The Sega Dreamcast, R.I.P.  And it was a good system, too.  Lovely games... Lovely gameplay...  Oh, yeah, you know how Microsoft help Sega in making that minor OS in the Dreamcast, Sega never forgot that, and now is backing up Microsoft strongly.  Crazy Taxi 3 on the X-Box... Tell me more....

The console I'll buy.... The Nintendo Gameboy Advance... Gotta be on the road....

See You Around

This has been Typo, signing off...

a note from your webmaster... PS2 kicks ass.  So does Line Narrows.