Typostudios     email     aim: Typostudios2000 HOME/Members

     Ah, the mysteriously f'ed up typostudios.  A busy man who takes time out of his busy schedule for only his game, sleep, TV, MB's, and well, a lot of stuff.

"Crisis Red: Different Society Same People"

Crisis Red: A Blade-Runner-esque story of a society with extreme hatred for
its own creation.  The main character is John, who has a secret to hide from
society while protecting society.  More info soon.


The Underachievers: An interactive RM2K movie.  The
entire game runs for about two hours and will feature minigames to develop
the plot.  The only thing done is a basic plot, where a group of friends
hide their extra-curicular skills (i.e. Sniping, for crime syndicates,
hitman, GTAs, etc.) from their classmates.

Red Crisis!
Blade-Runner-esque in design, Crisis Red seems like a promising title.


The Underachievers
An interactive movie where you develop the plot.  I really want to help him with this.